Thursday 29 January 2015

Evaluation - Question 7!

Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learned from it to the full product?

The following Prezi answers this question.

Monday 26 January 2015

Evaluation - Question 6!

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this media product?

During the production and planning of my product, I have used a range of technologies such as:
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Photoshop CS6
  • Prezi
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Slideshare
  • Google Drive
  • Most importantly Blogger!
The programs I used the most were InDesign and Photoshop, I had intermediate knowledge of how to use these before I started the production of the magazine however I still picked up a lot of new knowledge about using the software. The following presentation explains what I now know about the programs:The slideshow Using software is from caitlinp

Additionally, I used was a digital camera to take the photos featured in my magazine.
For the photos taken at outside I used an iPhone 5S or the digital camera it would depend on if I was at college when I was taking the photos. When I took them on my mobile phone I transferred them to my computer to be used in the magazine by emailing them to myself to enable me to use them in college. The rest of the photos were all taken on a digital camera in a photography studio within the college.
I kept the techniques I used for these photos to a minimum since I didn't want the photos to come across as too invasive or theatrical. I liked to experiment with my photography by using all different lightings in the studio. In the end, I used the ceiling lights a the back of the room since this meant it wasn't too bright or too dim for the photos to be taken. I kept the camera on its regular settings, but zoomed in slightly on my models to keep the photos within the range of close up, medium close up and medium long shot.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Evaluation - Question 5!

How did you attract/address your audience?

There were various different methods I used to ensure that I attracted my target audience. One way was through the text size. Throughout the magazine on each page, there is different sized text in various areas. This is very important when highlighting the different importance's something holds. For example, on my front cover, I put the masthead as the largest text on the page. The next biggest text on my front cover is the headline and anchorage therefore, when the reader picks up the magazine that is the first thing that he/she will read. This indicates to the readers that this is the main feature article and focus of the issue.

Moreover, it links with the background image which features the main feature article too, which creates an impact as people, usually, buy a magazine depending on the front cover and if it is visually pleasing to them. Therefore, they work together in this way.

 The largest text on the front cover is my masthead. This part is all about recognition and branding. This has to be large and constantly the same all throughout so people can associate and connect with it. Once again, this is one of the things that you want the audience to see first so they actually know it's your magazine and they will buy it due to it being known for the specific genre etc. The kickers and cover lines are different sizes from one another, as one shows what the kicker is about which is bigger and the detailed description is smaller. The differentiation of text size shows how important something is and also tries to grab the audiences' attention for different reasons. For example, something may be bigger than others as it is advertising and also free, to catch people's eyes.

Additionally, on the contents page, we have different sections which you navigate by the text size. On the left side of the page, there is the band index which isn't really that important on the page, so it is smaller. However, the title of the page and masthead are large to indicate the brand of the magazine and for navigation again. Also, the information about the main feature article is placed in the middle of the page, with larger writing and more description than most of the page. This makes it stand out and be bold so you almost have to read it.
 On the double page spread, the title of the artist is the second biggest text on the page as it shows who and what the article is actually about. The biggest text is the headline and this connects with the main article photo. Underneath, we have smaller sized text which shows a brief background information, if the audience decide to read on due to the title. This helps people not waste time and actually keep their interest in the magazine by reading things that appeal to them.

The things you're mostly drawn to first on the magazine is the images. This is as they really stand out but work with the colour scheme too. They explain the style of this issue and give the audience an insight to what it will feature in it too. Moreover, people can actually decide from the images overall, if they're going to like what the magazine features. Another thing that people are often drawn to first is the graphic features. This is because they are different to the standard text throughout the magazine and they contrast with the page. They are meant to be seen, so if they are seen first it means they are effectively doing what they should be.

My magazine contains a consistent colour scheme which really creates a pattern for it overall. This makes it look professional and obtained, rather than messy and unplanned. The magazines objective is to look appealing enough for someone to actually want to buy it and read it. If the colours clashed and didn't work well together, the magazine would not work. The colour scheme I used for my magazine generally consisted of blue, black, white and occasionally yellow and a little bit of red. This was specifically because they work together well in different combinations due to the fact that they stand out. This was used on purpose so the audience could once again recognise the magazine from the colour choice and have a connection with it. Moreover, the yellow colour was often used for extra parts added to the magazine and free things and special offers to catch people’s eye due to the boldness and brightness of it. The important words which really stand out to the target audience are 'exclusive', 'plus' and 'free'. This is appealing as the audience are getting something out of buying the magazine. This can really influence someone to buy the magazine, so it is essential things associated with this colour are beneficial to the audience.

The language of my magazine is informal, and uses slang on various occasions so it really connects with the audience. The target audience use similar kind of language so they can feel like they belong to this magazine, and fully endorse themselves in it. If the language used was quite formal, long and boring the audience would not find it appealing as it can appear very uninteresting and irrelevant. It is absolutely vital that the magazine is relevant in all aspects to make sure that people still enjoy reading the magazine. Furthermore, within the text of the magazine and in my main article I often use references of other artists from the genre of the magazine which is appropriate and the audience will understand this most times. This makes it much more exciting and they will feel 'superior' by recognising it too. Although the 'magazine-speak' used in my magazine is informal. It is in an organised manner making it easy for the readers to skip certain parts and navigate well.

My main goal when creating my magazine and the style of it was for the audience to feel like they belonged to this magazine and really connect to it. Simultaneously, I wanted my magazine to appeal to a wide range of people too by incorporating various parts of different magazines into it. I believe that my magazine successfully 'speaks' to people of my chosen genre as it is completely relevant. Through the magazine people can benefit from it by winning prizes, getting involved in what happens in the magazine by contacting them and being featured in it, going to events/concerts of the artists featured and meeting people like themselves. The magazine really allows people to experience different things and gives them different opportunities for people like themselves. Despite this, the magazine also gets along an important message that this specific genre of music is really important to many people who read the magazine and is a part of people's lives. Some may interpret it as a 'lifestyle bible' in terms of music and dress sense. This is due to the fact is features many similar artists who all have a specific dress style of usually 'smart casual' or 'leather and jeans'. People really feel this attitude and the vast majority are like this. People listen to the music and partake in the events the magazine features, so it is quite a lifestyle bible. The style and features of the magazine really positively portrays the artists in the magazines which influences how people can view be.

Monday 19 January 2015

Evaluation - Question 4!

Who would be the audience for your media product?

In order to appeal to my chosen audience I conducted some research into common interests with R&B music styles. I have put together a Readership Profile for my magazine where I questioned fans of R&B music magazines and R&B music in general.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Evaluation - Question 3

What kind of Media institution would distribute your media product and why?

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Evaluation: Question 2

How does your magazine represent Social Groups?

I used lots of different techniques and incorporated them into my music magazine; such as photos and cover lines and kickers to create a certain effect for the target audience and their preferred genre of music - in this case it is a R&B music magazine. R&B has been around since the 1940s and it has different sub genres such as contemporary, Smooth Jazz and Neo Soul also there are derivative forms which have influenced R&B such as Funk, Soul, Reggae, Disco, Rock and Roll and Beat music. Most R&B vocalists write songs based on sex, relationships, triumphs, failures, freedom, economics, aspirations and feminism.

In some magazines they perceive women in a negative way because they are mostly all the time half naked or just a mini skirt and a small top, showing their breasts, this shows them in a negative way because it looks like they want to have sex with everybody and in my opinion girls shouldn't be like that. therefore my magazine is going to show women in a positive yet appealing way to attract my audience.
A stereotypical male R&B artist would wear something like Usher (left), he is wearing plain black jeans with a round neck black jumper, a black bomber jacket, the shoes look like red Nike trainers which stand out when he is wearing all black also he is wearing a gold chain and a gold watch which implies he is wealthy.

Chris Brown (right) is wearing navy blue jeans, hoodie with the letters APE on it. He's wearing shoes that look like they're a designer version of Nike blazer trainers (which can be very expensive)

A stereotypical female R&B artist would wear something like this. Beyoncé  (bottom left) is wearing a v- neck cami, black jeans, a red and black blazer and Tom Ford heels which are very expensive therefore illustrates she makes a lot of money.

Nicki Minaj (bottom right) is wearing black jeans, a tight grey vest (showing off her curvy frame), leather jacket, a statement necklace and designer boots. Her nail colour -hot pink- matches her lip colour and this can refer to her PinkPrint album being released that month.

The images message's within the magazine is very important because it shows what music they make relates to their image and how they are perceived also how it can be personal to them, granting them to be closer to their favourite artists. For example the image below shows proves how Rihanna is very sexual and raunchy within her photoshoots also within her music videos.

She is very well known for this and even her body language is demonstrating her persona how she is a "bad girl" however she is just being herself and now is she one of the most known female R&B artists. This portrays an alternative music genre which is very relevant to my music magazine as it is of an R&B nature. This image definitely portrays her story and her usual 'self' to the audience as she is the only subject in the image and she is the only artist as she is a solo artist. The focus is entirely on her and with the white background it portrays a more sexual theme and fits well with her raunchy costumes and stage persona.  As we stereotypically associate artists with what the wear and the way they act in public, the music they produce goes hand in hand with completing their stage presence and their social image, due to this social groups are created and we can also identify these social groups through music videos.
These following music videos are ones that relate to the genre of my music magazine...

These music videos by Rihanna  represents her as a sex symbol and her fun and quirky style is represented throughout most of her music videos. This music video in particular reflects her individual style and the R&B genre as the music is mostly about sex / relationships. Her settings and actions are always very expressive and her body language is always given off in a sexual sense. I chose to include her in my magazine as she appeals to a wide fan base and as my magazine is an R&B music magazine - following in the footsteps of NME and other established music magazines - I decided she would be an excellent base to go from when it came to deciding who to include as she represents a wide range of social groups. She has a broad fan base, girls and boys can really enjoy her music and her music style has definitely evolved; she produces music from pop, to rap, to alternative.
The social group associated with this genre of music would most likely be into fashion and probably be quite daring with their dress sense. They would more than likely be seen in all the latest trends, females are more likely to experiment with different types of make up, maybe wearing darker lipstick and thick eyeliner to portray their personality and their link in the social group.


This music video by Beyoncé is completely different compared to the videos of Rihanna's mentioned earlier, In this video Beyoncé is perceived as a feminist and a very strong iconic woman also it is highlighting the fact that she has climbed the ladder in terms of music and now she is one of the worlds most renowned feminists and female R&B artists. She has a very wide gay fan base, girls and boys can really enjoy her music and her music style. Beyoncé has a very explorative fashion sense as you can see in the video, females look up to her and want to be like her, viewing her as a role model this is very important because she portrays as a strong, influential woman which is important for her fans and for her as for how her fans relate. She portrays a post modernist view of women's roles in society today and is therefore a positive influence on her young female audience.
 I've decided to include artists like these to work together and interest a wide audience range into purchasing my magazine.