Monday 26 January 2015

Evaluation - Question 6!

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this media product?

During the production and planning of my product, I have used a range of technologies such as:
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Photoshop CS6
  • Prezi
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Slideshare
  • Google Drive
  • Most importantly Blogger!
The programs I used the most were InDesign and Photoshop, I had intermediate knowledge of how to use these before I started the production of the magazine however I still picked up a lot of new knowledge about using the software. The following presentation explains what I now know about the programs:The slideshow Using software is from caitlinp

Additionally, I used was a digital camera to take the photos featured in my magazine.
For the photos taken at outside I used an iPhone 5S or the digital camera it would depend on if I was at college when I was taking the photos. When I took them on my mobile phone I transferred them to my computer to be used in the magazine by emailing them to myself to enable me to use them in college. The rest of the photos were all taken on a digital camera in a photography studio within the college.
I kept the techniques I used for these photos to a minimum since I didn't want the photos to come across as too invasive or theatrical. I liked to experiment with my photography by using all different lightings in the studio. In the end, I used the ceiling lights a the back of the room since this meant it wasn't too bright or too dim for the photos to be taken. I kept the camera on its regular settings, but zoomed in slightly on my models to keep the photos within the range of close up, medium close up and medium long shot.

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