Wednesday 1 October 2014


I have used several identification questions such as what is their age and gender. I have used these questions to find out about my audience what to get an idea of my audience and what they like and what they like to do.
I have produced two questions based on the uses and gratifications theory, the questions I have used are the following; What do you look for in a magazine and what appeals more to you in a magazine? I have used these questions to find out what my audience would want in a magazine and what they like most about them.
There is a question finding out what about their background and class, in other words I'm trying to find out their family's social grade so I know how much to charge for my magazine.
I have used a pair of questions established upon the Hypodermic Syringe Theory or it could be known as Hypodermic Needle Theory or even Two-Step Flow Theory. This theory is when the media injects the audience and the audience is weak, easily led and vulnerable.  I have used these questions because I want them to choose what I think is best for example I used the question "when you go shopping do you buy the same brands?" I used it because I want them to say yes because if they get the same brands and I have drawn from this that are most likely to get the same magazines.
I have used some questions situated on their psychographics which is based on the reception theory. I want to find out about my audience's personality and what they like to do in their spare time and what their hobbies are and what interests them.
Here are the responses...

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